PAXTON, Mass. – High schoolers aspiring to be first responders will have a chance to explore the possibility of joining this workforce during the second annual Battle of the Badges event at Anna Maria College.

In order to become a first responder, candidates must pass the Cooper Test, a physical fitness assessment required to enter the profession, which consists of sit-ups, push-ups and a 1.5-mile run. The test will take place on August 5 and 6, with numerous hands-on learning activities and demonstrations throughout the day.

According to Michael Stevens, Director of the Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Program at Anna Maria College, the Battle of the Badges is designed for any student thinking about a career in any emergency field – first responders, corporate safety, disaster planning, forensics, emergency management, intelligence and related professions.

“If you’re considering these areas, then this is highly worth your time,” Stevens said. “These are rewarding and constantly in-demand career paths.”

Participants will learn about Anna Maria College’s academic programs, meet and interact with police, fire and medical professionals and meet peers equally interested in these fields.

“The program is definitely student-focused to give them maximum opportunity to ask questions, participate and interact,” Stevens said. Along with the chance to take the Cooper Test, students will experience a drone demonstration by Mass State Police as well as a mounted unit demo. SWAT will show their equipment and talk about training and responses, and there will be a crime scene simulation where students will see how investigators mark-up evidence. 

There will be several guest speakers such as Boston Fire Commissioner Jack Dempsey, Worcester District Attorney Joe Early and Worcester Juvenile Court Judge Carol Erskine. 

“One of our speakers – a faculty member – once worked forensic investigations for the Whitey Bulger murder victims,” Stevens said. “Faculty tap their extensive professional networks so our program features both college instructors and actual career practitioners like fire chiefs, police investigators, legal leaders, and technical and equipment experts.”

The program is intended to help students get a better understanding of these careers and their potential.

A police dog demonstration. Courtesy photo.

“It’s a fun atmosphere,” Stevens said. “Participants are able to get their questions answered and learn that there are many different career tracks within the emergency fields. People don’t always realize how much learning is required in these careers.”

Stevens said there is more to the emergency field than equipment and the physical rigors of the job. Students will be exposed to the rule of law and the legal system, science, management, social factors and communications.

“Learning never stops,” he said. “This educational program provides participants the opportunity to experience aspects of these important career fields from professionals who are at work on the front lines, handling emergencies, solving cases, conducting arson investigations, putting out fires, creating emergency plans and protecting and serving their communities.”

Since this is an overnight event, students will stay overnight in one of the school’s residence halls. “We will staff and monitor their stay to ensure a safe and rewarding experience for everyone,” Stevens said. “All meals are included. Weather-permitting, we hope to take advantage of our extensive campus outdoor space with a cookout and an ice cream truck visit.”

After running the program prior to COVID, Stevens said he expects this year’s event may take on a different meaning.

“COVID-19 has inspired a lot of people to look at careers that deal with emergency response, emergency planning and business continuity,” he said. “Our last program took place before the pandemic. This year, we expect a lot of COVID-related questions and discussions, especially around career opportunities and how communities and businesses can better prepare for the unexpected.”

For more information and to sign up for Battle of the Badges, visit: